Saturday, August 15, 2009

On The Farm

Hi and Merry Meet,
Yesterday our new computer screen arrived via UPS, so my husband was able to fix it! I am now back to updating my blog! Yay!

Today, we took a trip out to a farm to get some fresh cut hay for our rabbits. Normally, we buy our hay from a farm in Virgina, but we are finding that four hungry rabbits go thought it awfully fast! So, once our computer was back on line yesterday, hubby looked on Craig's List for some farms that were closer to home that we could buy from. We found the one that we went to today and it was great! Much more cost effective!

The farmer was so cool and very nice to talk with. We like to buy Timothy hay for our bunnies. He showed us the difference between Timothy, Orchard Grass, and Clover. I know, you are thinking this is silly that he had to show us this....however, we didn't know the difference by sight before. He also had a great veggie garden that he let me take some summer squash and a zucchini. Check it out-they were so good.... Hubby fried them up with dinner:

He also showed us the cows that his son keeps and the chickens that they raise. It was really fun and I learned a lot! I was very excited when I was able to identify some of the herbs in the garden.

I loved our trip out there and we got such an education about the types of grasses that grow and about showing cows at county fairs. It was nice to get out there and see a family that truly lives off their land. I wish we could be a little bit more like that. I feel very inspired to try to grow more herbs and veggies next year in my small garden!
Blessed be,

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