Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Done and On To More Fun!

Hi and Merry Meet,
I made the decision to walk away from my night job. Financially we don't need it and it was just for security and peace of mind for me. My peace of mind was destroyed by my coworker. It has been coming to this and better things are out there for me. It will give me more time to do things I really enjoy. Knitting, geocaching, running and now reiki. I miss time for me. Now I will have that again after yule. I told my boss I will stay on until the end of December but please try to find someone sooner.

Today however I am driving to my hometown so I can help my mom get ready for Thanksgiving! Tomorrow I will run in the Turkey Trot like I do every year with my uncle. After the race I will come home and help my parents get everything food wise ready (after I get a shower of course!).

The rest of the week will be spent with family and friends. I am looking forward to seeing friends I haven't seen in a long time!

Have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Blessed be,

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