Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sewing Fun!

Hi and Merry Meet,
Yesterday I was out reading tarot at a graduation party. What a fun family to read for!! Before I left to do that I was working on sewing my robe for circle.

I've been working on it for some time now. The patteren is not to complex. To make it you need some basic sewing skills. A few of the other girls have robes and they look awesome. I've been stuck on the hem. Sewing it together was the easy part. Trying to get the hem right has been crazy. The robe hangs very long. My husband helped me pin the hem for one sleeve and that was enough help as far as he was concerned. I can't pin the hem while I'm wearing it, so finding someone to help had been tough. However, my friend who I roped into helping me had a better way. We measured it and then cut off some of the extra. I think I can finish it now that it's all pinned.

With all my extra material I've been thinking about making poppets. I've never done a spell with them but I'm thinking that I have all the stuff I need I'll just save it for the right time. My robe I'm sewing on my machine. For poppets, I'd like to do some hand sewing.  I've got a basic patteren for them. This would be a good way for me to expand on my spells. A lot of my work right now is simple candle magick or cooking magick. I've done a few bigger things but mostly I stick to low magick. I'd like to start expanding my knowledge of other magicks. I feel like poppets are the next step for me in my learning and my spellwork. Not sure yet when I'll use them, but at least I'll have everything when I'm ready for it.
Blessed be,

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Goddess Yemaya

Hi and Merry Meet,
Since today is Saturday I started my work with the Goddess Yemaya. From what I could find she and her sister share Saturday as their power day.

My altar for her has a seashell, a blue earthwear bowl that is filled with salt water, and rain flavored incense. Since my altar is stained blue, I chose not to put an altar cloth on as the blue fits better with Yemaya's energy. I also have a hot plate that I put the candle on that my mom had given me. It is made from abolne shells in Hawaii. My mom was going to get rid of it in a garage sale. I asked if I could have it and I've used it for anything burning that is on my altar. It is perfect for this work!

My dreams haven't had the image of the goddess appear again, but almost all of then have had the sea or seawater in them. A lot of them I am swimming or entering the ocean. I looked up what water in dreams means and the answer I found was change. I know big changes are coming, spirit had been telling me for a while. I've started to take steps to go forward with them and it looks like that is what I'm supposed to do. Maybe as I work more with the goddess Yemaya I can learn more about what comes next with these changes.

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weekend!
Blessed be,

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Hi and Merry Meet,
This weekend I've been doing some new pathworking. I've been looking for more information on Yemaya since she has been calling to me in my dreams. The things I've found are really interesting and I love how many aspects she has.

I see a lot of similarities in some of her aspects to some of the other goddesses that I like to work with. In my personal practice I usually work with the Celtic pantheon. Before my dreams this past week I was starting to work with the Morrigan. I've been comparing some of her aspects of Macha to Epona. Both are horse goddesses, both are futility goddesses, and both are warrior goddesses. I've started to do some pathworking with this aspect of the Morrigan. Epona is the goddess that called to me first. There is not too much information on her, but working with her has really been wonderful. Looking at the Morrigan's aspect of Macha I have learned a lot about the goddess Epona.

During this coming week I plan to do some pathworking with some of the different aspects of Yemaya. From the information that I've found it looks like Yemaya has seven different aspects that are associated with her. I want to look over each one's information and start with the one that gets my attention first. I'm looking forward to getting to know a goddess outside of the pantheon that I normally work with. I want to take my time getting to know her and who is the god who is her mate? I haven't looked into that yet, and I want to know what male energy she works with. In my practice I use both the goddess and god energy. A lot of my friends use only the goddess energy. I like using both for the balance that it gives me. That was part of why I left the Christians. They use a lot more god energy with very little of the female aspects. Balance is what I need in my life and I love that I've got more of it now.

I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!
Blessed be,

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Being Called in My Dreams

Hi and Merry Meet,
The other night I had an amazing dream. I was with my coven and we were going to a workshop on this island. The island was beautiful and mysterious. There was dark stone structures everywhere. We were going to a large amphitheater made of this beautiful back stone (I think it was black marble, but I don't know for sure). As we were walking one of the girls in my coven says to us that there is a famous male witch who knows tons about wicca and witchcraft. Then she says that he is choosing an apprentice at this workshop to whoever can find him first after the workshop. My first thought was that is so easy. Everyone at the workshop will just swarm him as soon as it is done and during the workshop we'll all be looking for where he is seated. I got this was my next thought. 

My coven sister forgot to tell us that this witch is beautiful!! As we were going into the theater, he and his assistance were there greeting people to tell them about his opportunity. This kind of beauty was not one I can describe. He was stunning. Now my thought of getting the apprentice position was even more exciting. We walked in to listen to the workshop and I know we were all thinking about how we would be the first to find him. As I sat down I noticed the man to my right looked like the famous witch's assistant. It was! Next to him, two seats away from me was the famous witch. I couldn't believe my luck! I thought now I've got this in the bag! I'm seated next to him and I can get to him first so that I can get the apprentice position!

As the workshop got underway, the famous witch turned to me and said "if you can find me, you will win. Look by the water."

What? There was no water in this workshop! The guy up on the stage looked like the movies idea of a sorcerer. He had on a purple robe with silver stars on it. He had a blue pointy hat with silver moons on it. He was showing us how to make things appear and disappear out of a purple cloud. Looking out at the audience I could see most were not impressed with the guy's show. Most were looking for the famous witch. As the guy on stage started to wrap it up, I got ready to bolt to claim the apprentice spot. Funny thing, everyone in that room was poised for the same thing. However, at that point, the famous witch disappeared in a smoky purple cloud. His assistant looked at me and said "find the water and the spot is yours."

I left the theater and everyone started going their own way to find the famous witch. I walked away from everyone and as the full moon rose, I found a beautiful lake in the middle of this city we were in. It was on top of a hill, and there were stairs leading into the water. The stairs were a white marble and in the shape of a half moon. Suddenly, I had on the most beautiful white off the shoulder dress on. Oh, I wanted to gracefully walk into the water as I descended the stairs. I felt like a goddess and I looked like one at that point. As I strode down the first stair, I looked beautiful, and then my natural state of grace caught up to me...  I tumbled  right down the other three stairs into the water. Not the graceful entrance I was trying to portray!  Since I was all tangled in my gown, I took it off to swim. After a few strokes, I saw the assistance on the left shore. I knew then that I was the one to get there first. I swam over and sure enough, the famous witch was there too. They helped me out of the water and he congratulated me on winning the apprentice spot. At this point in my dream I woke up.

The next day my best friend from college came to visit. We had a great time hiking and going to the beach. While we were out at the beach I told her about this dream. We have been friends a long time and she is one of the smartest people I know. She use to be wiccan, and has since left for another religion that she feels fits her  better. However, she knows her goddesses. When I was telling her about this dream she asked me a lot about what the dress I was wearing looked like and what did the water look like, and the moon. She wanted me to tell her as many details about the dream as I could. We kind of left it at that as we were leaving the beach, but she said she'd think about what I had dreamed about. She was sure she knew a goddess fit my description, but she couldn't think right then which one.

Later in the day, we were hanging out and I was showing her around our town. One of the places we stopped was at the Santeria shop. I needed to grab some candles and she wanted some healing bath washes. Suddenly, my friend was calling me over to see something that she thinks I needed to see. There was this statue of a goddess in the dress I was wearing in my dream with my dark hair! I couldn't believe it!! My friend turns to me and says "I think Yemaya is trying to get your attention!" I agreed as that was exactly how I looked in my dream when I entered the water. I found a beautiful seven day candle with Yemaya's picture on it and a poem about her on the back.

Since then I've been trying to find some info on her and what I have found is really interesting. I've also been dreaming about her the past few nights now and I know that she is calling to me. I'm excited to work with her energy as she seems to want to work with me. Here's what she looks like and what it looked like in my dream:

Blessed be,

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tarot Party

Hi and Merry Meet,
Saturday night I had a home tarot party. It was so nice to have a girls' night out! Everyone had a great time and most were happy with their readings. Lots of relationship spreads were cast. Lots of yummy food and giggles too.

Being that I was the reader for this party, I got to learn a lot about each girl. It's been great doing parties. My confidence has really grown by doing readings for live people. I've done a few home parties now. They are so fun and I love reading. This time I made sure to take a stretch break. I brought some clear quartz to clean my decks between readings. That's been something that a friend of mine suggested I do. Since she had been a professional reader, I value her advice. She has helped me go from just reading for friends to reading for clients. Husband helped give me that push to get into it too. I'm glad he did.

Tomorrow my best bud from college is coming to visit! I can't wait.
Blessed be,

Friday, July 6, 2012

Working Day

Hi and Merry Meet,
Today I needed to take some time out of my vacation for some time in my witchy room. While it is my favorite room in the house, I haven't been up here as much as I planned on. I've been up here for moons and such, but I've been doing more of my workings downstairs where it is cooler.

Today, I've spent the morning rearranging and simplifing things. The photo is of my very simple altar setup for my work today. My motto today is "less is more". Trying to declutter always makes me feel better. My books are reorganized, candles have been sorted and other supplies put away. It feels so relaxing to sit in here now.

I've also spent time updating my BOS and my dream journal. I added my latest workshop certificates to my BOS. That was a suggestion at one I went to that I really liked. Now all my creditatials are in one spot. Of course, I only put in photocopies of my certs, the originals are in a folder in my bookcase. My dream journal was another thing that has gotten away from me. I've made notes about my recent dreams in my calendar so I can recall it, but not details. I took some time to transfer my scribbled notes to a full written out version of my dreams. One in particular I thought was a warning for someone turns out it was a warning for me. I wish I had seen the signs before, but the lesson that I learned was a good one and real life ended nicer than how the dream did.

Lastly, I'm going to take some time to make a new crystal grid about balance. I need a bit more balance in my life and if my focus for the week is on that then I think I can accomplish so much more!
Blessed be,

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Hi and Merry Meet,
I hope you all had a great full moon ritual last night! I hope that today you have and happy 4th of July!
Blessed be,

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Blessing Moon!

Hi and Merry Meet,
 Tonight is the Blessing moon, the full moon of July. I'll be celebrating later tonight after my husband goes to work. I have a lot to be thankful for and I want to celebrate it.

 All day I have been giving thought to all the blessing in my life. The top of my list is my husband. This month we are celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary. He is my rock. He supports me in everything I do. As for the rest of my list, well... it's full of people I love, all the blessings of heath, and job. I plan to enjoy the evening and recharge with the energy of the full moon.

Tomorrow for the 4th I'm signed up to run a 10K in the morning. After that, I plan to relax at home and then we are headed out to a friend's house for dinner and fireworks!!  Yay!

Enjoy the many blessings of the Goddess and enjoy the full moon tonight.
Blessed be,