Saturday, March 26, 2011

Out Hiking and Enjoying Nature!

Hi and Merry Meet,
All week since I found the Geocaching site I have been itching to get outside and find one of these things. There is one pretty close to my house, so after work yesterday I tried to talk my husband into going with me but to no avail. Off I went with my day pack, my phone, and an eagerness to be outside again. I have to say I am glad that I got out there.

The lake here is partly frozen and makes for such a beautiful site. The ground was soft and getting spongy. I could see tulips and daffodils trying to force their way out and get through the spring snow storm we had on Monday. It was a balmy 34 degrees out, but a light wind cooled it off a bit more. I loved seeing the park like that! It was nice to see all the bounty of spring trying to fight off the last holdovers of  winter.  I was happy to enjoy the moment and celebrate all that nature has given to us. To me, this was very powerful and I took some time to just breath it all in.

After my time of celebration, I did whip out my phone's GPS and found this box:

I'm out to explore a new park this morning. I like that I am learning about new places around my area that I never even knew were here! Not only is it getting me outside, but it's also helping me find new places to see nature at work and places to celebrate the Earth and all her beauty..
Blessed be,

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