Hi and Merry Meet,
My rune set came this week! They are just beautiful and now I have the task of learning what they mean.
I've been trying to pull one stone a day (day two of that so far) and then focusing on what it means, looks like, and how it feels. When I started learning tarot a few years ago this was how I did it. I think that for me focusing on one a day helps me connect with that image.
Today I pulled the rune for separation. It looks like a fish to me, so to help me remember I am using the visual of a fish separated form it's school. The feeling is lonely and sad.
Yesterday I pulled the rune for movement. It looks like a m so that was easy to remember for me. My visual for that was a fluid dancer on a stage. The feeling was sure and steady.
I have a few more to go but I am enjoying the journey. Some day soon I will try reading with them even if I have to look up the meanings.
Blessed be,